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Advance Auto Bringing Jobs
According to officials, Advance Auto Parts will be employing 600 workers in North Carolina by the end of 2017. Average pay for workers will be around $110,000 per year, and Governor of North Carolina says that the company could get over $17 million in tax breaks. Continue to original source
Insurance Companies Predicting Your Death
It is not a simple question to ask customers when they think they will die. Life insurance companies must take it upon themselves to determine when a potential customer will perish before they will invest. Companies compile large amounts of data in order to separate the healthy from the risky. This includes things like driving records,…
Household Debt Continues Increase
According to a survey done by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, American household debt has increased for the third straight quarter. The report on household debt and credit revealed that mortgages have dropped to the lowest level since last year. Continue to original source

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