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Smart Move for Millennials

For millennials, buying life insurance is a very smart call. Buying now will be also cost effective because when you are young and healthy it costs less. Also, if the unexpected happens. your family will have help to pay for  student loan debt or a mortgage in your absence. Another thing to consider is a  long-term…

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Deciding on a Plan

Some say that picking an individual health insurance plan is easy, because you can search online and compare plans from different carriers and then make a decision. But it is not as simple, because there is a terminology that is not clear for everyone, and understanding your personal needs and finding a plan to match is also…

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Making Life Choices

When you are the one choosing a life insurance policy you can make all the decisions, unlike when you get insured by your employer. If you go to the agent who worked with you on your homeowners insurance or auto insurance, you will also usially get a great offer. If you already have a company…

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Advantages of Salary Loans

Have you ever heard of salary loans? Salary loans are similar to payday loans except the fees are much lower and they are done at your local bank. You usually can only borrow up to $500, although there are some cases where you may be able to borrow more. Here are some advantages to taking…

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Ever Asked Your Bank For A Salary Advance?

If you need to borrow some quick money fast, you may be tempted to take out a payday loan or installment loan. But, there is another option out there that you can try that is rather new. It’s called salary advance loan. This is an alternative offered by many banks and credit unions. Salary loans…

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